Via Gebennensis (english)

To open the map, click in the rectangle at the top right. It is an interactive map that allows you to visualize this route in the context of France. The circles correspond to the end of each stage. By clicking on these circles, you will have access to the information that Google gives for these places (images, some accommodations, routes, etc.). It could also help you sometimes, even if this information is more for people who drive around, not on foot, like you ……

Here are the stages on Via Gebennensis. Click on the stages to open them:

01: Geneva to Mont-Sion Pass

02: Mont-Sion Pass to Frangy

03: Frangy to Culoz

04: Culoz to Yenne

05: Yenne to St Genix-sur-Guiers

05: St Genix-sur-Guiers to Paladru Lake

07: Paladru Lake to La- Côte- St André




Stage 01: Geneva to Mont-Sion Pass

Stage 02: Mont-Sion Pass to Frangy

Stage 03: Frangy to Culoz

Stage 04: Culoz to Yenne

Stage 05: Yenne to St Genix-sur-Guiers

Stage 06: St Genix-sur-Guiers to Paladru Lake

Stage 07: Paladru Lake to La Côte St André

Stage 08: Côte St André to Revel-Tourdan

Stage 09: Revel-Tourdan to Auberives-sur Varèze

Stage 10: Auberives-sur-Varèze to St Julien Molin-Molette

Stage 11: St Julien Molin-Molette to Les Sétoux

Stage 12: Les Sétoux to  La Papeterie

Stage 13: La Papeterie to Queyrières

Stage 14: Queyrières to Puy-en-Velay

You can either enter the stage of your choice or follow the navigation from one stage to another. Have a good trip.